Thursday, January 27, 2011

Letter to the Editor, Candidates to Replace RINOs

The Crystal Coast Tea Party Patriots encourages conservatives of either party or political affiliation to consider becoming a candidate to replace NC elected officials who do not embrace the principles of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets that promote U.S. products, businesses, and labor.

It seems like the 2010 election was just yesterday, but we've already seen that many of those who portrayed themselves as conservatives and who were recommended by Tea Party organizations including the Crystal Coast Tea Party Patriots are not being faithful to our principles.

Senator Richard Burr, just reelected to a second term with the recommendation of the Crystal Coast Tea Party, voted in the Lame Duck Congress with the liberals by voting for The Food Safety and Modernization Act that expands government and the deficit while hurting small farmers in NC; The new Tax Bill that extended most the current tax rates but also increased the deficit with subsidies for ethanol, and wind and solar power, as well as bailouts for mass transit unions; and voting with the Democrats to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell in the military. Senator Burr’s next election is six years away, but we need start now to find a conservative candidate to replace him in 2016. As demonstrated by his votes in the 2010 Lame Duck Congress, Senator Burr pretends to be a conservative, but he is a Republican In Name Only (RINO).

Senator Kay Hagan votes her party’s line consistently, voting 90% of the time with her party (according to Conservative candidates from both parties are needed to run against Senator Hagan when her term expires in 2014. Democrats would be wise to find a conservative to run against Senator Hagan or they will surely risk losing the seat.

NC 3rd District Representative Walter B. Jones, recommended by the Crystal Coast Tea Party Patriots in 2010, is an enigma. He votes with his party 86% of the time, abstained in 2010 a whopping 4% of the time, and votes against his party 10% of the time (according to On December 2, 2010 Representative Jones was one of only three Republicans to join the Democrats in passing H.R.4853: Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Authorization and Job Creation Act. From December 17 to December 22, 2010, Representative Jones abstained from voting on 17 bills ( prompting one to ask “Where was Representative Jones?” I’ve heard that Representative Jones promised to support term limits in Congress, and that he vowed not to serve more than 6 terms; he is now in his 9th term. I guess he likes living in Washington, DC more than he likes eastern NC. Eastern North Carolina desperately needs a conservative candidate to run against Representative Jones in 2012. The Democrat 3rd District candidate in 2010 was somewhat to the left of Nancy Pelosi, and didn‘t stand a chance of unseating Representative Jones. If the Republicans won’t replace Representative Jones, then the Democrats need to get serious and find a conservative candidate that will bring Representative Jones back to NC where he belongs.

This is the time to decide. If you are a conservative who embraces the principles of Fiscal Responsibility, Constitutionally Limited Government, and Free Markets that promote U.S. products, businesses, and labor, please consider running in opposition to Senators Richard Burr and Kay Hagan, and Representative Walter B. Jones. Contact us at

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