Monday, September 20, 2010

The Tea Party Goes International

The following is from my email inbox. 
 It seems that the Tea Party is going international. I guess AstroTurf grows anywhere in the world, Nancy! 
Fox News did a spot on Cavuto with Daniel Hannan, UK Parliment.

The Daily Caller writes "International Protest Groups Take Up the 'Tea Party' Flag in Moscow, Tel Aviv and the Hague.
Progressives should be worried, very worried. They're a pariah around the world. Everything they do fails, and people suffer. The Progressives think they are the elite, but they are failures.
The left may have thought they were the only ones with global vision but not so. Inspired by common sense Americans, T.E.A. parties have started in the UK and Australia and more.

From Australia.
Welcome to the Australian T.E.A. Party Movement
Who are we?
We are NOT a political party indeed we are Non Party Political choosing to support or oppose whoever best helps the ideas and beliefs of our movement regardless of their party affiliation.

How do you know if you, like over 50 million people world wide are a natural Tea Party Movement supporter?

Can the Tea Party Movement be of benefit to you? It really is very simple.

We ask 2 basic questions.
What is, and what should be the role of government in the economy?
What is, and what should be the role of government in peoples lives?

If you think that the answers to what is vs what should be are very different-
Then you are a natural Tea Party Movement supporter.

Do you feel that you have lost your voice?
Has government and entrenched elites become the master and not the servant?
Do you feel that many of these elites are in both major political parties?
Do you think that real choices that would actually work - making life better are never presented?
Do you feel that every day, government gets bigger and your burden of paying for it - grows heavier?
Are you searching for something to do about it?

The Tea Party Movement can help you do something about it!

From the UK.
Since its launch its February, the TEA party movement of the UK have gone from strength to strength. Campaigning for libertarian principles of limited government and lower taxes, TEA party activists were initially critical of the Labour government, but now with tax increases in the budget, the current coalition government is also facing some backlash.
"Activists are hold a rally at next month's Conservative party conference in Birmingham at which criticism of Coalition policies will be aired.
A British division, launched last year by The Freedom Association, has held events including a "Boston tea party" in Boston, Lincs.
It has joined forces with the Taxpayers' Alliance pressure group, which is being advised by Freedom Works, a large Washington-based political group that backs Tea Party candidates."
There's more too.
The Dutch Tea Party (
The Italian Tea Party (

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